Clinical Rheumatology
Clinical Rheumatology
ISSN: 0770-3198 (Print) 1434-9949 (Online)
Clinical Rheumatology is an international English-language journal devoted to publishing original clinical investigation and research in the general field of rheumatology with accent on clinical aspects at postgraduate level. The journal succeeds Acta Rheumatologica Belgica, originally founded in 1945 as the official journal of the Belgian Rheumatology Society. Clinical Rheumatology aims to cover all modern trends in clinical and experimental research as well as the management and evaluation of diagnostic and treatment procedures connected with the inflammatory, immunologic, metabolic, genetic and degenerative soft and hard connective tissue diseases.
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Eventos científicos 2022-2023
Caso clínico: Índice de Rodnan en la valoración cutánea de la esclerosis sistémica
Introducción a las guías PANLAR: arteritis de Takayasu
Introducción a las guías PANLAR: espondiloartritis axial
31 de mayo: Día de la reumatología panamericana (PANLAR)
Manifestaciones clíncas más allá del ESSDAI
Infomed 2.0: Reumatología
Sem del 9 al 15 de Dic de 2019 Jornada Nacional de Reumatología Reuma-CIMEQ 2019 |
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Publicado: 27 de mayo de 2005
Actualizado: 6 de enero de 2025